Saturday, June 9, 2007

Viva Tancredo

Are you tired of pussy-assed fruits and vegetables? Me too. Do you think it is about time that produce stopped whining and grew a set? Right on. Doesn’t it bug the crap out of you that you always have to mince your words and watch what you say whenever foodstuffs are around? I mean, who likes a meal that can’t take a joke, a taunt, a dig, a crack or a jibe? It’s all in good fun, right?!?

That’s why Tom Tancredo should be president. Although it may not be his primary concern, a Tancredo presidency would usher in a new age – an age in which it will be o.k. once again to poke fun at produce.

The following was taken directly from Tancredo’s website…

C. Horton: If you are successful in barring illegal immigrants, what will happen to the economy?

Tancredo: You can get a lot of interesting data on each side of this. What does seem to happen is that when there's a reduction in low-wage workers, companies tend to develop technologies to compensate. Tomato farmers genetically engineered tougher skins so tomatoes could be picked by machine, for example. And citrus growers are starting to do the same things.

Right on, Tom...